Highlighted Private Messenger for iPhone and Android

In a world where data breaches are at an all-time high, privacy a very precious commodity. Messages you send with many popular apps can be intercepted and read. In some cases, people can even impersonate you or your friends online. A good private messenger for iPhone and Android is very important to keep surveillance and prying eyes away. Some private messengers encrypt your messages before they leave your device, so even if they are intercepted, your messages will still be safe. The highlighted apps are WhatsApp, Signal, Wickr Me and so on.

WhatsApp owes its popularity to such features as fast, easy to use, simple and free. It has enabled end-to-end encryption across all platforms, making messaging more secure. Its end-to-end encryption happens automatically and there’s no need to turn on settings or set up special secret chats, like Telegram, to secure your messages. WhatsApp is available for both Android and iOS, but you have to use your mobile phone number for verification.

Just like WhatsApp, messages on Signal are also encrypted end-to-end. However, unlike WhatsApp, Signal does not record users’ personal information like mobile phone number and contacts. You can send high-quality group, text, voice, video, document, and picture messages, and make crystal-clear voice and video calls to people who live across town, or across the ocean, with no long-distance charges.

However, end-to-end encryption is not enough. A good private messenger should enable additional features to keep prying eyes away. CoverMe private messenger not only supports end-to-end encryption, but also provides strong access control. It is protected by passwords or fingerprint. Besides, users can create decoy space by fake passwords. When others access CoverMe with fake passwords, they will see a decoy space without any private messages. What’s more, by shaking your phone, CoverMe will be disguised as a photo album. When prying eyes are trying to look at your phone while you are messaging, you can just shake your phone to pretend viewing pictures.



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